Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Saturday Diaries vol. 4

(One of these days I'll share a glimpse of my life with this photo, and not a media artefact, but not today)

It's the end of Week 8 and I have been swapping statements of disbelief with my colleagues at the term almost being over. Reports are officially signed off and the week has been marked with celebratory events: a lunch out with the other beginning teachers and our mentor, a round of Friday-night bowling. 

After said bowling last night, I crawled into bed before 9 and have been awake since 5:30 this morning, making French toast and taking my time with my quiet time. The plan for today is to clear a backlog of bitsy tasks that has piled up: recapping books I've recently finished, cleaning my shower, sorting through the miscellaneous pile that has been steadily growing on my bedroom floor. 

Today also marks the beginning of The Great Clearing that needs to happen before I move in three weeks. First up: my bedroom and bathroom. I anticipate these being fairly easy as I have been increasing my capacity for ruthlessness in culling. I had a huge clothes clear-out earlier in the year, but I have already spotted several items that will be in the big black bags for this next cull. I also know that I only use about four makeup products and that all the others I've amassed over the years will not and probably should not (on account of age) be used on my visage

I suppose the cleaning and clearing makes for a busier-sounding sabbath than what I would usually have, but I intend to move at a cat-like pace, taking plenty of breaks to stretch out on the couch with a book and listening to a fun queue of podcasts as I work. 

Here's a (brief) overview of my week:

Highlights: seeing real progress with a few kids in their reading and maths levels, getting to talk through a tough personal situation with a colleague, book club and extended chats with S on Tuesday night. 

Reading: an excerpt from Playing God by Andy Crouch... and consequently discovering that my view of power has been more influenced by Nietzsche than by Scripture. (Not much else this week, sadly) 

Eating: the epic mushroom burger from Better Burger, courtesy of one of my colleagues last night. Would recommend! 

Listening to: The Art of Manliness podcast. Compelling on many fronts! 

Looking forward to: dinner + a screening of You Hurt My Feelings with S tonight. 

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